Milk, Soda or Water Sarbath

If you go to the Bhaskarettante Kada (Brother Bhaskar’s shop) Sarbath shop in Kozhikode, you can order one thing three ways – Milk, Soda or Water Sarbath. That’s it. That’s what they make. And, they’ve been making it very successfully for over six decades. Also known as South India Soda the Malayalam names are paal sarbath …

Pauli-Ann and Karen standing near bananas in Kozhikode (Calicut)

Kozhikode (Calicut)

We long to return to Kozhikode (Calicut). It’s alive and exciting. A bustling commercial town, it’s often referred to as Calicut because of the white, unbleached cotton called Calico that originated here. Textiles are still a part of the long-standing economy along with spices. Vasco de Gama landed near here in 1498 and set up …